A couple of days ago, we went with the folks of LA Bucket Brigade (again!) to do some grassroots mapping in the Bay Jimmy & Wilkinson Bayou (29.45193, -89.89812), and it was superb ~ and dystopic :/
> 1. 
> 2.
> 3.
> 4.
> 5.
> 6.

> 2.
> 3.
> 4.
> 5.
> 6.
Seen from up there is so different from what you see from the ground :
Boat seen from the balloon (!!!) :
I took a chance to try to enhance the "photography cabin" with Sue Stoessel, Bennie Gregory and Hunter Daniel (in a previous mapping trip though):
I'm in love with this technique Gonzo Earth and Grassrootsmapping keep on improving, also because I really need it to assess the efficiency of the oil spill collecting robot I am working on : protei.org. Here we were testing the long tail, to see how well we can sail upwind with a long tail :
that's the robot I am prototyping this week :
If you want to help on the making of the protei robot, or do some aerial photography of the oil spill, get involved at LA Bucket Brigade, contact Shannon Dosemagen <shannon@labucketbrigade.org>, or Hunter Daniel <hunterdaniel@gmail.com> 901-550-7667 directly by phone to arrange a trip in the sun :)